of the month

November 2022

Mr. Leon Leroy

Middle School Coordinator

Field: Middle School

How long have you taught at IST?
This is my second year as a teacher at IST.

Describe IST in 3 words.
Community, learning, passion.

What is your favorite thing about the community?
Our students. They are kind, curious and have a positive energy that is infectious.

What are the typical characteristics of an IST student?
I mentioned them above, but IST students are kind, curious and are full of positive energy. They help make our school an interactive and engaging place to learn as students and grow as individuals.

What is your favorite memory at IST?
My favorite memory was my first day at IST. I was very nervous as a new teacher. However, the students were very welcoming. My students asked me questions about my background, family, etc because they know relationships are an important part of building trust in the classroom.

What would you be if you weren’t a teacher?
A ranger at a National Park